Wood Fencing: Types of Wood Used for Fencing

When it comes to wood fencing, there are several types of wood commonly used for their durability, aesthetics, and suitability for outdoor applications. At Commercial Fence Co., we understand the importance of choosing the right wood for your fence, as it directly impacts the longevity and performance of the structure. Before making any purchases, there are several factors you should carefully consider.

Climate Considerations

One crucial factor to keep in mind is the climate in which the fence will be installed. Different wood species have varying levels of resistance to weathering and moisture. Pine, for instance, is an affordable option but may require regular maintenance and treatment to withstand harsh weather conditions. On the other hand, cedar, redwood, and cypress are naturally resistant to decay and insect infestations, making them ideal choices for areas with high humidity or insect activity. Spruce, with its moderate durability, can be a suitable choice for milder climates.

Project Scope

Another important consideration is the scope of your fencing project. The size of the area you wish to enclose and the height of the fence will impact the quantity of wood needed. Different wood species may have varying availability and cost, so it's vital to assess the budget and project requirements against these factors. Pine is typically the most affordable option, while redwood and cedar tend to be more expensive due to their durability and natural resistance to decay.


Your budget will ultimately determine the type of wood fencing you can afford. Pine and spruce fences are typically the most budget-friendly options, providing a cost-effective yet visually appealing solution. However, it's essential to keep in mind that these woods might require more frequent maintenance or replacement over time. If your budget allows for a higher investment, cedar, redwood, or cypress can offer increased durability, beauty, and longevity.

Type of Fence

The type of fence you plan to build is another factor to consider. For example, if you intend to construct a privacy fence, you might prioritize the aesthetics and overall appearance of the wood. Cedar and redwood are popular choices due to their rich, natural hues and attractive grain patterns. In contrast, if you're looking for a more rustic or natural look, pine or spruce may be suitable options. Ultimately, the type of fence you choose will depend on your personal preferences and desired level of privacy.

Contact us today to go over your options. Make sure to check out our wood gallery to see our previous projects!